Graph(feeties) Submissions

graphfeeties sticker
graphfeeties sticker by rfishewan


GRAPH(feeties) is a submission-based hybrid nonfiction ZINE on walking. It explores what walking means to people, through words, images and the fusion of both. If your feet have a story to tell, please submit to the zine! Walk On!

Submissions Open Now!

Send in your hybrid form stories of using your feet as your voice in protest and in peace.

GRAPH(feeties) Issue 2, January 2017
GRAPH(feeties) Issue 2, January 2017

As a child I witnessed the power of peaceable assembly and marching as a mechanism for change. I went on Peace Marches during the Viet Nam War, learned of Rev. Martin Luther King’s march to Montgomery for civil rights, and have throughout my life seen the power of collective feet in motion. Marching in public streets is a right protected by the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution: “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It is a peaceful act.

Zine Specs: Zine print size is 5.5 x 8.5 inches. It’s photocopied in black and white (except for the cover) with a full bleed, so set the bleed at .125 inch and work with a page margin of 1/8th inch (especially for text). For work done as a two-page spread, consider the seam. Minimum JPegs or Tiffs of at least 300 DPI for 5.5″ by 8.5″, though 600 is better. For those who would like to submit, but have no idea what all that meant, you can still submit words and images, as word files and jpegs/tiffs. If you entrust the layout to me, I will work with you to make your pages awesome.Send in up to two pages (or one 2-page spread) of your black and white nonfiction hybrid comics/poetry/cartoons/essays/memoir on your story of marching.

E-mail submission questions, files or a link to the file (if it’s real large) to:
graphfeeties AT rebeccafishewan DOT com


Send in up to two pages (or one 2-page spread) of your black and white nonfiction hybrid comics/poetry/cartoons/essays/memoir/whathaveyou on walking.

Questions about GRAPH(feeties)? You can read the first issue (GRAPH(feeties) 1 online) and/or send me a note at: graphfeeties AT rebeccafishewan DOT com

Twitter and Instagram: @rfishewan (less often I post on @graphfeeties)

Facebook: Rebecca Fish Ewan & the GRAPH(feeties) page.


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