Book Launch Events in Phoenix and Berkeley!
A few days ago By the Forces of Gravity went to the printer! It’s such an amazing feeling to know this story will be out there in the universe of books. I’m super excited as well that there’ll be launch events at two places that are so dear to...
Why I Love Pencils
I’m taking an online writing workshop with Jenny Forrester through the Literary Kitchen and each week she gives us a seven-minute free-write warm-up exercise. This week we were to think about what/where comforts us. I wrote this and want to share it. For the love of pencils, but also...
Whirlwind in Florida at AWP18
My brain has just begun to settle from all the excitement at AWP18. Though as I sit down to write about it, my mind starts ping-ponging around. Tell them about reading your book ARC in public for the first time! No, the comics panel! Oh, all the people at...
Patched Pants
I thought readers might like a peek at the real patched pants that I based my outfit on in By the Forces of Gravity (pre-sales start March 7!). I didn’t have any money for clothes, but my step-great-grandmother had taught me to sew when I was about five-years-old (during...
Love Is…
Today I’m thinking about love Luna would be turning 57 today I’m thinking about how true all the things She taught me have been How love can’t be contained That any attempt to hold it in place Is met by loss I’m a slow learner when it comes to...
Book Cover Reveal
So excited to share the beautiful book cover for By the Forces of Gravity, my memoir that will release through Books by Hippocampus on June 19 2018! The memoir is a hybrid form of cartoons and free verse. It includes 200 of my pencil drawings (like the figures on...
Book Under Contract!
My book, By the Forces of Gravity, is being published through Books by Hippocampus! The signed contract finally made it through snail mail to the press in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (where I’ll be in September to talk about drawing out words at HippoCamp 2017, a creative nonfiction writers conference). From...
Essay Up on Hip Mama
My essay, The Geography of Motherhood, just posted on Hip Mama. It’s my response to hearing Mother of All Bombs bandied about in the news, as though bombs and motherhood had anything in common....
Moments of Joy in a Ridiculous World
So, happiness no longer interests me as a goal It’s a distraction from life itself Instead I’m committed to navigating through all the mucky muck And focusing on moments of joy However Some things really piss me off Such as: Lolita being selected by other authors as the best...
Graphic Essay and Cartoon
Here are two ways I’ve responded to the recent presidential election. The first one was also posted on Hip Mama, November 15, 2016. I just tweeted the other one today....